Annual Award Nominations

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Annual Award Nominations

Post by aged racer »

Annual Award Nominations

In addition to our open Officer and Board positions, we are seeking nominations for our annual awards as well:

Worker of the Year
Solo Driver of the Year
Race Driver of the Year

We’d appreciate any and all nominations from the Region for these awards- this is your chance to recognize your peers for their efforts and their support of the region.

Please email me ( or any of our Board members with your nominations for these awards (put “Nominations” in the subject field if you would!).

PLEASE NOTE- We need your nominations by MONDAY, DECEMBER 15th in order to prepare the on-line ballot.

Thanks (and happy voting)

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Re: Annual Award Nominations

Post by aged racer »

Folks, we have a handful of nominations for these awards, sure would like to have more. This is your chance to recognize those who have performed well on the course or who have worked hard on the Region's behalf.

Nominations close the first of next week- please let us hear from you!


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Re: Annual Award Nominations

Post by gnalaj »

Would you go ahead and edit the original post so people can see who has already been nominated?
Alan G.
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Re: Annual Award Nominations

Post by aged racer »

Here are the nominations we have thus far:

Sportsmanship- Larry Bowman, Buckie Maxey
Worker of the Year- Alan Grantham, Buckie Maxey, Tim Windle, Brad Fisher
Solo Driver of the Year- Brock Clayton, Buckie Maxey, Henry Lehman, Cliff Palmer, Steve Hinton
Race Driver of the Year- Greg Crandall, Dave Clemons

Still time for more nominations!

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Re: Annual Award Nominations

Post by aged racer »

Last call for award nominations, folks! We'll take nominees through tomorrow evening, then the on-line balloting will be prepared.

You can contact me via the forum email or at

At-Large Member- SARRC Race Committee

Will race (and autocross) for food.
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