Call for Nominations for BRR Officers

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Call for Nominations for BRR Officers

Post by gnalaj »

Every year, we hold elections for some positions of the Executive board, with each term lasting two years. This year, the following positions are up for re-election:
Assistant Regional Executive
One Chairman Position

The people who currently hold these positions are
Rob Leslie - Assistant Regional Executive
Steffen Clark - Secretary
Ray Schumin - Chairman

If anyone is interested in running for one of these positions, or would like to nominate someone for one of these positions, either respond to this post, or contact one of the executive board, and we will add those names to the ballots.

Here are the nominations so far:
Assistant Regional Executive
*****Rob Leslie - nomination accepted

**********Ray Schumin (declined)

*****Steffen Clark - nomination accepted
*****Rachel Fischer - nomination accepted

**********Rob Leslie (declined)

*****Ray Schumin - nomination accepted
*****David Clemens - nomination accepted

**********Rob Leslie (declined)
Last edited by gnalaj on Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:15 am, edited 11 times in total.
Alan G.
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Re: Call for Nominations for BRR Officers

Post by aged racer »

Alan, sent you a note with some suggestions.

To all, please don't be hesitant to throw your name in the pot. Helping to run the Region and the events is very important, and it's a great experience as well.

At-Large Member- SARRC Race Committee

Will race (and autocross) for food.
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