My vote for Race Driver of the Year

Discussion about club racing, time trials, and high performance driving events.

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aged racer
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My vote for Race Driver of the Year

Post by aged racer »

Many of you know Bill Bradley, who's raced F500 for years here in the region (since converted to F600). Bill started racing not long after I did (which was back when Summit Point was known as Some Mud Point...).

Bill is a true racer-builder, having built his car from a kit and later doing the F600 conversion himself. He's a licensed Tech inspector, and often works Tech on weekends he's not racing. He's helped me many times, both at the track and when I've been stuck on something here at the house. Like most of our Region’s racers, he runs a partial schedule (although he does well in the races he runs).

Bill is not the only racer that volunteers on other weekends, so credit is due to them too. Still, I think he's a great choice for the award this year. Please consider him when you fill out those ballots :mrgreen:

At-Large Member- SARRC Race Committee

Will race (and autocross) for food.
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